Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cabin Mountain

Early season decent of Cabin mountain's North face via the direct central ridge. No summit views today. Instead, intermitant snow showers combined with just enough wind to transport and deposit, but not scour, left me with plenty of soft snow. After shralping the North face, I skiined back up lookers right to ski the long V-notch couloir that starts on Cabins North West shoulder. This couloir is a 1,500 foot fall line shot to my car!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Nice day for fishing and glassing ski lines.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Name Change

Months ago, talk of renameing this blog began circulating, the rumor being that "climbupskidown" was siply too Newtonian. Today, white smoke rose from the wood burner, signaling a name had been chosen....Clown Yeti! This change heralds in a new era and location. Although the name has changed, the address and spirit of the site remain.

Cross hairs are aimed high at first decents of a new local moutain range that is not only "too steep to ski", but is also "inaccesable" because of a lack of trails. Advice so far has consisted of, "son, you best get yourself a horse, a four wheeler and a snow machine!" From an ex-montanan's perspective, the access here is better than ever and the steep terain keeps me up at night. With one day of easy-access steep skiing in the books (, its only a matter of time and training.

Links to more pics of steep skiing terain out my back door:

Brook trout massacre

Ghost Faced Killa' at his weekly weigh in, blissfully unaware of his keeper's mastery over fishes.

Monday, June 27, 2011

you doesn't hasta call me Ralston

For 127 seconds, my arm was pinned by a few hundered pounds of course grained gritty granite, this was the result, not bad!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Cleanly ejected fetal bambi twins, discovered on country bicycle ride. By the time I returned with a camera, the mother, located ten yards away and clearly dead, was gone. There had been no damage to the mother except for the clean ejection of the bambies and other dear contents, like intestines, stomach, maybe a liver, via one large portal. Several of my friends requested that I post these pics, weirdos.

Some guy from Bridger, Ty, sends at Moonlight.